Dawn of the Maya , 17/2 , Pamplona

Este sábado, nuestro miembro  Fer CoreInside Turrillas estará representando a HCXHC en Pamplona En un bolazo con tres bandas amigas Dawn of the Maya en su triste despedida acompañados de  Corrosive y Chotakabra . Buena oportunidad para disfrutar de un gran concierto y haceros con algo de merch benéfico …allí nos vemos.

This coming Saturday, our member Fer CoreInside Turrillas will represent HCXHC in Pamplona in a gig played by three bands which are very close to us: Dawn of the Maya -in what will sadly be their farewell concert there-, Corrosive and Chotakabra. This is a good chance for you to enjoy an amazing concert and get your hands on some of our charity merch. See you there!